Monday 4 November 2013




Financial Management
Financial management is an activity of planning , budgeting , inspection , management , control , search and storage of funds owned by an organization or company .

A finance manager in a company must know how to manage all the elements and financial terms , this must be done because it is a financial one important function in achieving corporate goals .

3 relating to financial management activities , namely :

Sunday 3 November 2013

How to Manage Finance by Teachers of Mathematics

It turns out that managing finances is not only smart economics teacher alone , my friend , a father , and he is also a teacher of mathematics , was well versed in managing the household finances . He shared tips with me when were both waiting for the rain letup in school . According to her financial planning is very important for the future . Therefore , the longer the family's needs will become more complex with increasing the child , age , and the necessities of life . "Therefore , we must be frugal and careful since the start of a family, " said my friend

6 Tips to Teach Children How to Manage Finance


Can we , the people are more mature , teach children about money management ? Turned out to be yes , Bro - Sist .

Is it enough to just teach frugal lifestyle ? or maybe itung - itungan about change?

It turns out there was something else ya , Bro - Sist . Namely to educate children to be able to make decisions about money , because it affects the management of money in the future . So what are the tips? let's discuss!

3 Tips to Manage Finance For Beginners or Startup Entrepreneurs

There are times when a businessman complained income from his business always runs out before the save. If there is to be saved , only a small amount . In fact , the project that he has received quite a lot . Supposedly, the business can run smoothly and lives can be happy even though there were no orders . However , the opposite happened .

This may be experienced by some people who started the business world . Moreover , if the business belonging to the family business type . At the beginning of the business , when he gets the project , the money always runs out to support the family . The term , when it's happy , forget everything . Forget having to pay electricity , telephone , internet , transport , and so on .

Simple Ways to Manage Family Finances


Manage Family Finances

Financial problems are a common thing experienced by young families, especially in the first years of married life living. Not to mention the little guy soon be present among you and your partner. Is it true that the problem lies on the large-size family income?
"Often the problem is not a lack of income, but the wrong habits in managing money," said Ligwina Hananto, financial planning experts at an event Ayahbunda some time ago. It turns out, in reality, a father who earn hundreds of millions of dollars could be in shock when they found the money stay $. 50.00 before the end of the month.

Here are some keys to managing finances in a simple :

How to Manage Personal Budget


Managing the Budget

Creating a budget is not difficult . All you have to do is set aside time to make arrangements and planning . If it is made ​​, a budget can be easily managed . Steps to manage a budget :
  • Step 1 : Determine the target
The first thing to do is to specify a target , for example, has a new home , early retirement , or preparing for education expenses .

You can group your goals into three categories : short-term financial targets , medium term and long term .

Ask yourself : What is important to me ? What do I need? What do I want? The answer to these questions will help you determine your target . If you are married , you and your partner should discuss their answers together to decide the target .

Tuesday 22 October 2013

10 Ways Smart Set Personal Finance

Personal Finance

Personal Finance

As any income earned by workers will never be enough to meet the need, if not stopped word satisfied. On the other hand an increase in the cost of living increasingly unstoppable. If no financial smart set then not profit achieved but can accumulate debt.
Do not want to continue mired in financial management, the following 10 smart ways that can be replicated on personal financial management.

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